Suppliers should consider offering dynamic discounts to give both themselves and their customers more options to manage working capital. This need not be conducted through traditional bank platforms delegates at CT ...
Predicting black swans is almost impossible, but treasurers must understand and prepare for seismic change that will reshape their business, delegates at CTWeek said.
As the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership moves towards a pan-regional economic agreement, a think tank pushes it to copy the TPP approach to rules of origin as time runs short before the trade bloc goes live.
The heir to the throne of Samsung Group has been charged with bribery and embezzlement. Let’s pause to remember that treasurers and CFOs must have the conviction to stand up to any illicit financial behaviour.
The recently ratified Trade Facilitation Agreement is intended to reduce the cost of trade 14.3% globally by improving customs procedures. It could inadvertently help cut painful compliance burdens, also.
The FASB has released new standards for the recognition of gains and losses in non-financial assets, which will affect treasurers of US companies and their subsidiaries, but those in real estate should be extra ...
The former pariah state hopes to boost its economy by giving foreign banks scope to lend to exporters. Bankers say the development would aid MNCs in the country, but need clarity from the government.
Tired of seeing the supply chain disrupted by late payments, an advertising technology firm is developing a digital wallet which clients must log into and make payments to continue to use services.