China has been pushing for more Panda issuance, and a Hong Kong-listed water supply company has delivered despite not holding the top credit rating. It explains how and why.
Belgian multinational Solvay reveals how it made pooling work — while another treasurer tells how his company fell foul of a policy change. Both agree keeping regulators onside is key.
Tough trade talk from the White House is now a permanent feature of the economic landscape. Is ZTE gut-wrenching share price plunge just a taste of things to come?
Oil and gas multinational may have changed the transfer pricing landscape for all time. Just because two companies have independent boards, a court decided, doesn’t mean it’s arm’s length.
ABB, GE, Honeywell and Siemens have already profited from the Belt and Road Initiative. CT tells you how to help your company do so too – while minimising the risks.
New renminbi rules will reduce the cost and risk of hedging, to the benefit of treasurers. China’s regulator is making the changes to slow the currency’s appreciation.
Cryptocurrencies' problem is they’re often backed by little more than hope and hype. Bridgecoin, however, says it’s about to change all that. CT looks at its mechanisms and challenges.
As China's currency hits its highest levels since 2015, analysts say it’s not about to end there. That's already leading to steep foreign exchange losses for some Chinese exporters.