Treasurers need to understand the Chinese regulator's thinking when handing cross-border transactions. Its priority now is ensuring such transactions are authentic.
The central bank seeks to establish a list of commodities that can be hedged by all companies with direct exposure. In step, it also plans to allow greater FX hedging activity.
There are signs China’s central planners are keen to throw in the towel on the renminbi as enthusiasm for supporting it with valuable foreign currency reserves wanes.
At a time when regulatory pressure has forced large Chinese conglomerates such as Wanda to wind back overseas acquisition, the forex regulator says Beijing is still open for business.
With increasing liberalisation, the Chinese financial market is seeing more cash investment options than ever, but Danone's Asia treasurer cautions of the need to be aware of regulatory U-turns that can sour a deal
The electric car manufacturer is in talks with Shanghai’s government to open its first production plant in China. CT assesses the top four financial risks it will be exposed to.